Friday, May 01, 2009

Happy Lazy Flower May Day!

It's May! It's May! And, I was literally just staring at the flowers on my desk, mesmerized, just appreciating Spring when I realized "It's May Day!"

I love Trader Joe's for oh so many bijillions of reasons, but one big reason is that I buy fresh flowers for just a little more than the price I pay at the wholesale flower district, with no drive and no hassle. I always have fresh flowers in every single room of the house. It's a tiny house, so it's easy to do, but still you will literally always find fresh flowers in my house because they bring me consistent, undying joy every single time I look at them.

Hence, my moment just minutes ago of staring into the face of the flowers on my desk, which were bringing me even more joy because they are from my garden...the most glorious white roses, big, juicy lavender and chocolate mint geranium. Yummy to look at, yummy to smell, just all around yumminess in the form of flora.

Wherever I have lived I have fairly immediately planted several different kinds of lavender, and at least a few scented geraniums, because I am a Lazy Woman! What's lazy about that? Because in California that means I have something to put in a vase year round that smells really good. Because even when these plants don't have flowers on them, they are lovely to look at and have glorious scents year round.

I also like arrangements that are all different textures of green as well, so while I usually add flowers to the green mix, sometimes in the winter I'm in a "just greens" mood and I cull all different colored and textured greens from the garden to make an interesting mix.

But, today we honor flowers, and I am taking a moment to just acknowledge the unbelievable bounty of my garden, and from all the gardens I've been passing in my travels around town these is a Spring Wonderland right now for our So Cal gardens.

I know that there is mixed weather across the country. Just heard this morning that Chicago is still rainy. But, Kathy who just got some pots of lavender will have an easier time digging to get them in, right?!!!

Happy planting, happy cutting, happy enjoying the flora and fauna of live everyone! And, don't forget to plant hearty flowering herbs like lavender, rosemary,and scented geraniums! They love to offer themselves up for our pleasure!

Happy May Day!

1 comment:

  1. It's been so rainy, haven't been able to plant much and it is too muddy! I love to have flowers in vases in the house and the cats do too! I end up hiding them. Today on my blog I posted a still life image I did of geraniums. Drop by and "smell the flowers" at
