Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Lazy Woman Loses Weight the Lazy Way!!!!

This Lazy Woman has gained 10 pounds since meeting BBITW (Best Boyfriend In The World, Aaron) so it's time to get it off plus some.  I'm muy excited about the new Weight Watchers I should be since I just got back from a meeting!

I went straight to the store and piled up on fruits, which used to be my go to sweet things until I fell down the deep well of a-little-sugar-a-day-keeps-the-waistline-away. You can eat as much fruit as you want!  Well, within reason, but still!  It's all zero points. 

And, Weight Watchers has always had their 0 point soups. The recipe for the GARDEN VEGETABLE SOUP -- the first recipe listed in the Getting Started book is super simple. I added a big can of crushed tomatoes, garlic salt, and chili flakes, which made it pop and gave it a little more robust feel.  I'm telling you it's delicious and filling! 

What do you think?  Maybe I've lost two pounds already -- since I made the soup and all?  LOL!

I love cooking anything and the healthier and lighter it's going to make me feel the better!  I'm going to make the second recipe in the Getting Started book later -- Creamy Tomato Sauce.  I haven't even cracked the WW Cookbook yet... 


1 comment:

  1. Diana5:37 PM

    I am on a big diet, too. Man, those holidays wrecked me! Well, I wrecked myself. Back on Lindora, which I love. Good luck to you! We'll have to have a light dinner party for us sometime soon.
