Sunday, April 03, 2011

Lazy Peace o' Mind -- With a Little Help from Nature

 I am thrilled.  I just heard that a friend of mine took the advice that I posted last week on this blog.  She started taking Ignatia Amara and feels really great.  She was having a tendency toward anxious thoughts.  Ignatia Amara is for that (like the repetitive negative thoughts I was having after my breakup) and for grief (like my losing a great love).  If you know of anyone dealing with repetitive anxious thoughts as a result of a situation that they happen to be in -- or perhaps in the case of my friend (and possibly myself as well) -- is perimenopausal or menopausal, where hormone changes incite brain chemistry changes -- please tell them about this:
Product Details

 And, if they are dealing with the level of grief I was dealing with -- loss of any kind, depression, extreme sadness, etc. -- please tell them about Sweet Chestnut, which I give due credit as well.  The Sweet Chestnut is a flower essence.  It is gentle, safe, and yet powerful.  I can't more highly recommend it:
Bach Flower Essences Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut
Please pass this blog on to anyone who may need some support during a difficult emotional time.  I promise you gratitude will be coming your way.  I have a friend who got divorced last year and both she and her son are still very depressed.  I think she'll be taking my advice soon, and I can't wait to report her findings as well.

And, FYI, my symptoms shifted within hours, and within 24 hours, I was back on track -- no more repetitive anxious thoughts, no more of the exhaustion that comes from depression.

Peace, peace, peace...there is just no substitute for peace of mind.  Finding it lazily, well, that's just divine peace.

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