Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lazy Summertime

The lazy days of Summertime are a-comin' and one of the laziest most impressive desserts you can make is homemade ice cream or sorbet.  You guys, I'm not kidding it's LAZY to make ice cream.  Even the fanciest of ice creams are relatively easy to make. 

For instance, if you are making something like a rich vanilla bean, peach or other fruit, or deep dark chocolate ice cream, the most complicated thing you do is make a quick custard on the stove and let it cool.  But, you can make sorbets and easy ice creams with very few ingredients and one or two steps.  It's so easy.  Seriously. Please try it.  You'll be happy.  You'll make other people happy.  And, isn't that what makes this Lazy world go round?!

So, first step: buy an ice cream maker.  The reason I'm even bringing this up today is that I got the latest Crate & Barrel catalogue and they have the Cuisinart Ice Cream maker on sale -- great deal -- $49 instead of $90!!!! 


I have had a few different kinds of ice cream makers over the years but my very favorite is the one I have which is probably synchronistically one of the least expensive on the market.  But the genius reason I bought it is that it is the LAZIEST to clean, store and manage in every way.  It is just two pieces.  I keep the frozen canister always in the freezer in the garage so it's ready to go when I am.  The rest of the ice cream maker is the paddle/electronics.  So, I get the canister, throw the incredients in, pop the paddle in, turn it on and go away for about 25 minutes, and voila: YUMMINESS!

Happy Summery Deliciousness to all!  I'm off to a hotter zone -- Atlanta -- for the BlogHer Food Conference.  Muy excited!  Will report!

Lazily yours,

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