Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Where Has the Lazy Woman Been!!??

I was asked to write for The Morton Report in June, and because I moved in July I've been mostly spending my writing time over yonder, but I wanted to pass on the links to my most recent articles, just in case you want to know what the heck this Lazy Woman has been up to....

Looking for Mr. Morgan
My Dogs Would Do That

Laziest Dessert of All = Tiramisu

Lazy Technology: ClamCase is Pearl in the Sea of iPad Cases

All My Children: Lifelong Fans Become Part of a TV Family

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

You Have Exactly What You Need

I have received a great lesson in the last couple of days, as I have discovered repeatedly that I have exactly what I need. 

I am still getting settled in my house and put a bunch of pots around an area where I'm creating a "moment" -- a lovely little spot to view from afar that will just make me happy.  I thought I needed to get about 10 plants to fill up the arrangement of pots.  But, because I didn't have the energy to get to the Farmer's Market this weekend, and I decided at 8 p.m. last night that I wanted to get it done, I found that I had exactly what I needed in terms of plants for the pots.  I had plants that were too big for their pots.  I had plants sitting around here and there that were just waiting for my attention.  In 15 minutes of pillaging and re-purposing, I made a beautiful arrangement of potted plants. 

I finally decided to put art up on the walls yesterday also.  I was waiting to finish configuring my rooms, but decided I was putting way too much focus on what a few inappropriate nail holes would do to the house!  My God, Bridget, get your priorities straight!

Usually I like to have a second opinion when hanging art, but I just went for it, and while I imagine things will change over time, I am very happy with my results and because I was in the flow of things I was able to hit the mark on my first nail hammering.  All are hung in the perfect spot!  And, boy do I feel more settled with the art up. 

I thought what I had wouldn't be right for this space, but again, I have exactly what I need for this space.

I tend to think "I want this, I want that...more, more...I want more!"  I really am so much more content when I live with what I have.   Not that I haven't bought new things for the new space --  new lovely mid-century furniture to match the house from an estate sale that fits the space perfectly -- but overall I have exactly what I need.

Whole and complete as we are....just as we are.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lazy Woman Cooks - Even Right after a Move!

I had the gall to have people over for dinner only one week after I moved, but I did the usual Lazy Woman trick -- an Italian spread.  Meats, cheeses, a big salad, and a super easy pasta.  The only cooking I did was cooking the mushroom and artichoke ravioli while I sauteed up some mushroom, artichoke hearts, asparagus and herbs.  And, for dessert, I threw together another Strawberry Tiramisu:   I always put way more sliced strawberries in it than listed, and I also put it in a glass vase instead of on a serving plate as pictured.

Tonight, though, I'm taking a Tiramisu to a dinner party and offered several options to the host.  He chose Chocolate-y, Crunchy and Nutty Tiramisu.  So, I made up this's DE-FRICKING-AMAZINGLICIOUS and so incredibly easy to make.

Buon Appe-Lazy-Tito!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Grandma's Message

Moving is annoying and cool for one reason: it makes you purge.  Because I only had a couple weeks to prepare for my move, I didn't get to go through everything I needed to get through.  I did a whole helluva lot, but now as I set up my new house, as I unpack, I am purging even more now.  I now have several more give-away boxes.

Along with trash and donations I am also finding little gems like the one I just found that prompted this post.  A nearly illegible note that I had scrawled on an envelope several years ago.  It was a note I had taken during a conversation with my grandmother at the end of her life, when she was in and out of clarity, and seemed to be spending a good deal of her awake time in a very happy, though not earthly plain. 

I remember grabbing the envelope and pen as if it happened only hours ago.  She had just made me laugh really hard.   I remember thanking her for always making me laugh.  She replied:

"I had to make you laugh.  It's not from me, you know.  It's from somebody you love.  I'm talking about God."

I very nearly threw this envelope away.  I'm glad I was really taking my time and going through this lot of stuff with a fine tooth comb.  Sometimes quiet and calm pays off big.  And, sometimes the pain of moving has many hidden gifts.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Figs: God's Gift to Planet Earth + Me

I am always shocked to hear that people don't like figs.  My friend, Christina, was in town last weekend with her sweet 11 year old daughter, Gina.  I had expected Gina would be a kindred foodie given her vegetarianism.  Yes, she has been a vegetarian since she was 9 years old!  Pretty cool if you ask me.

Anyway, I was showing them the bounty of foods I had bought in their honor and was about to pull out a big bowl of figs when I exclaimed, fully expecting a resounding cry of agreement, "Gina, do you like figs?!!!!!"  She was trying to hide her disappointment in having to disappoint me.  It was a 1/2 second round robin of guilt, as I put the figs on the counter. 

Then she saw them and said "Those are figs?"  These were fresh green figs.  She had only had the deep purple mission figs.  I suggested she might want to try the teensiest bit of the green fig.  I had just made her a piece of toast with goat cheese on it.  I asked if I could put the tiniest smidgen of green fig on her goat cheese lathered toast and she said, courageously and with a twinkle in her eye "YES!" 

Well, folks, she LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED it!  Who knew that the two figs would taste so differently to her young, acutely-tuned palate.  The next day we actually all three did a taste test.  Gina still hated the missions.  Christina and I took our time mulling over the delicate differences between the two.  Missions are definitely more woodsy to me.  I love them both, but I think if I had to be caught on a desert island with only one I would choose the green figs.  

After they left I was missing them a little so I made a little snack for myself with both kinds of figs.  I swear I can't not be happy when I'm eating figs. 

The memory of Gina really made me smile too.  I love kids who are open to tasting anything.   It's so brave, and their taste buds really are so very sensitive. I especially love kids who are open to having their minds.  What a delightful young lady we have on this planet.  And, now the sweet green figs of this planet are lucky to have her love.